Buttercream Ranunculus Cupcakes Tutorial
Learn how to make beautiful buttercream ranunculus cupcakes in this cake decorating tutorial!
These delicate flowers with their tightly layered petals are easy to create in buttercream with a simple petal tip.

Table of Contents
Why we Love Them!
These piped ranunculus flowers are surprisingly simple to create, but look so impressive! The same is true for our textured buttercream Ranunculus Cake tutorial.
Whether you are piping them on cupcakes or onto a freshly frosted cake, they are sure to take your decorating to a new level!
I find that the only thing prettier than one buttercream ranunculus is a bunch of them. So that's what we made--and ours are on cupcakes!
Curved Petal Tip
Our secret weapon today is a curved petal tip. You could use the usual 104 tips with these also, but I feel like the curved petal tip will give you a little bit of an edge in recreating the ranunculus petals.
Materials: Buttercream Ranunculus Cupcakes
In this video, I am frosting white almond sour cream cupcakes with our Fluffy Vanilla Buttercream Frosting, but our classic Vanilla Buttercream is a great option also..
Any frosting will do as long as it holds its shape nicely. Ours was a medium consistency. We also used a one layer six inch round for our "vase".
Piping Tips: Wilton Tip 61 (curved petal tip) -- *If you have a tip 104 but not a 61, try it out and see what you think-- you can get a similar look, but the petals don't curve quite as much. Wilton Tip 10 or 12 (medium round), Tip 352 (Leaf tip), Wilton tip 3 or 4 (small round for dots on vase)
Coloring Gels: I used Americolor: Deep Pink (for both shades of pink), Electric Green (leaves), Turquoise (vase), & Lemon Yellow
Paintbrush-- (optional) I used for little details--texturing the centers, tapping down crusted buttercream here and there, etc.
Cake Base- We used a masonite board wrapped with a plastic tablecloth and taped underneath with heavy duty tape. You could also use stacked cake cardboards.
After finishing the video, I was taking photos and decided to add a few more buttercream leaves here and there, using a tip 352. Before I knew it, I filled every gap!
I think the flowers looked great even without all of those leaves, but the gaps between cupcakes began to jump out at me and so I filled them!
Also, you may notice that I wiped my petal tip off just about every time I piped a petal. I didn't realize how often I was doing this until I watched the video! This was probably excessive, don't feel that you have to clean your tip so often. Just keep an eye out for icing buildup on your tip and give it a swipe now and then.
Thanks for stopping by--If you give the buttercream ranunculus flowers a try, I hope you'll share the pictures with us!
Cupcake Recipes!
Need some recipes for today's design? Here are a few of our favorites (which could also be used for the 6 inch cake layer): Lemon Cupcakes, Strawberry Cupcakes (cake mix), chocolate cupcakes, and vanilla cupcakes!
Enjoy the Video!
Thanks so much for stopping by! We hope that you enjoy the ranunculus cupcake tutorial. Whether you create this cupcake cake design or create a simple platter of ranunculus cupcakes, they are sure to please a crowd!
absoluty love :) what size board did you use please I would love to make this for work (Easter celebration). If I counted correctly approx 2 dz cup cakes? Keep up the great work..love all your creations!
Hi, I think that masonite board was 24 x 30, crazy but I can't find it now. Home improvement stores such as Home Depot sells pre cut plywood boards that are 24 x 24 that you could use also.
Having trouble opening up video on ranunculus.Help!
Thanks, ML
Love this idea. One of us has a blog and she loves your ideas for her blog but they ALWAYS turn out different. You make it look easy.
I am assuming you could pipe this on a nail and let crust then transfer to a cake? I have a cake I am making and they want buttercream ranunculus. Any other ideas?
Hi heidilynn, yes, pipe on a rose nail let crust ( should only take about 10 minutes) You could speed things up by putting a dot of buttercream on top of the rose nail, stick a small square of waxed paper to that, pipe the ranunculus on the waxed paper and remove to crust while making more ranunculus. You could also let them dry for a day, then transfer to the cake attaching with a small dot of buttercream. In the video, I think Melissa is piping these on cupcakes, you might need to put a circle of buttercream onto the rose nail (or waxed paper) so your first ranunculus petal will have something to stick to.......in the video, the tops of the cupcakes were frosted before Melissa started piping the ranunculus. Hope all this is clear.
Hi Melissa,
Do you think that Swiss Meringue BC would work? The one I use does have butter as well as shortening and powdered sugar.
Thanks again for the wonderful video and great ideas.
Hi Leslie, Melissa and I have not tried using SMBC to pipe ranunculus, thinking it would be too soft. Since your recipe has butter as well as shortening the consistency my be better for piping.
Hi Melissa,
Would you do a tutorial on piping rununculus onto a flower nail? Somehow when I try to do them on a nail they end up looking a little more like a rose than rununculus.
Thanks! I love all your tutorials but am particularly fond of the flowers!
Which buttercream did you use,recipe please
Hi Hina, You could use the Classic Vanilla Buttercream or Fluffy Buttercream recipe found in the recipe section. If needed, add more confectioners sugar to get the piping consistency you like.
Hey Melissa, I don't see the actual video on this page. I have clicked on each of the pictures but they are just that, picture. Am I just missing it or is it located somewhere else? I want to make these for cupcakes.