Cake Pops and Cake Truffles- Video Tutorial
By Popular Demand: Cake Pops & Cake Truffles! I hope that you enjoy this video on making these adorable, sweet treats!
In this video, I'm using plain (undoctored) cake from a cake mix. As mentioned in the video, the proportions of cake to frosting that I used were: 1 8" cake layer (½ of a cake mix) to 4 T frosting. This may vary depending on the kind of cake you are using.
For the chocolate coating: 4 T shortening combined with 14 oz. candy melts. Adjust to your liking!
Hi Lourdes--Are you able to see it now? If not, send me an e-mail and we can see if we can figure out what the issue is--( -Thanks!
@Juliana--I'm sorry, I'm not sure what a substitute would be. I need to research this a little bit. Here in the US, bakers often buy paramount crystals for adding to the candy melts in preparation for dipping the cake pops... but they may be hard to find outside of the US.
Hi Melissa and BeBe! Will the chocolate still harden even after mixing some shortening in it? I usually just dip my cake pops in melted chocolate. It's thick but at least I wont have to worry about the chocolate not being hard enough to support and hold the cake in place.
I just joined and I just have to say your site is a lovely source of inspiration for my next cake projects. I'm planning to do a version of your monster truck for my cousin's birthday this weekend instead of the usual race car cake. :-)
Hi Manuela, we add just enough shortening so the chocolate be thin enough to give a smooth look on the cake pops, yes, it will still harden.
Thanks for your nice compliment about the site. Good luck on your monster truck.
Hi! can we use plastic straws instead of paper lollipop sticks?
sorry, i meant lollipop plastic sticks :)
I love your Apron!!! Do you have a online store?
Thanks :)
@Julianne-- I've never tried it...but it should work!
@Yaneri--Thank you!! We hope to offer a few items for sale but don't have anything available yet ;0)
To answer the question about Cracking Cake Pops. Temperature. Some cake pops crack because that one or three cake pops are a bit to cold and the chocolate temp a bit to warm. I like to remember heat expands that is your chocolate, and cold contracts that is your cakeball, which forces the choc. to cool quickly at the same time the warm choco. is forcing the cake to warm up and expand or release. Will all those forces going on cracking happens. Its pretty scientific when you break it all down. U can even think of the heat your hand creates while rolling your cake ball try cooling your hands with a piece of ice. :) If you can make alot of cute cake balls and only a few crack, be happy! You are truly a cake ball expert! :)
Hi Melissa and Bebe,
Can I use Swiss meringue buttercream as binder ? I have leftover a lot or it has to be a regular buttercream ?
Thank you
Hi Yvonne, we have used only American buttercream for cake pops but I would think that Swiss meringue buttercream could also be used to bind the cake and shape your balls. I did a quick google search and this is the only one I came up with that used Swiss meringue
What kind of cake mix did you use? And was the frosting homemade or store bought??
Hi Lauren, we used Pillsbury cake mix and we used one of our buttercream recipes from the recipe section. I think we used the Classic all butter buttercream.