How to Decorate Cupcakes- The Basics

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In this video, you will learn the basics of how to decorate cupcakes beautifully.

We'll show you how to create swirls of frosting with various tips, simple buttercream flowers, how to stripe a piping bag, how to inject cupcakes with fillings, and more!

Cupcake Decorating Basics

Use these beautiful cupcake decorating techniques using your favorite cupcake recipes. Some of our favorites are our Oreo Cupcakes, Vanilla Cupcakes, Lemon Cupcakes, Coconut Cupcakes and Chocolate Cupcakes. Make sure to check out our full listing of cupcake recipes!

Materials for Cupcake Decorating

We used our Fluffy Vanilla Buttercream Frosting Recipe- our Classic Vanilla Buttercream  is a great choice also!

In the video, I am using the following piping tips:
Wilton2D or 1M for the ridged swirl or buttercream rose swirls
Wilton 21 for a smaller ridged swirl/design
Ateco 808- huge round tip (for smooth swirls or a quick way to frost your cupcake before smoothing)
Wilton 12- Medium sized round tip (same use as above)

104 petal/ruffle tip

Viva Paper Towel (the smoothing technique that we demonstrated used this brand of paper towel which has no quilting or impressions). 

For even more on the Viva Paper Towel Method of Smoothing (especially for decorating cakes rather than cupcakes) check out our free video: Viva Paper Towel Method of Smoothing

Favorite Cupcake Recipes

We have so many more cupcake recipes and cupcake decorating tutorials for you to try! We'd love to hear from you if you give any of these techniques or recipes a try!

Enjoy the Video

Thanks for stopping by! We hope that you enjoy this cake decorating tutorial and find some techniques you'd like to try! Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below! 

If you are looking for more videos on buttercream piping techniques, check out our videos on How to Pipe with a Star Tip, How to Pipe with Ruffle & Petal Tips, and How to Pipe with Round Piping Tips!

Cupcake Basics Tutorial


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  1. I'm so glad I joined this website. I know how to do the swirl wth the 1m tube . But I can't wait to try the toppers.Thank so much .You are a great teacher.

  2. do you have another option instead of the 1M for the two tone? I am in the process of making cupcakes for tomorrow (july 4th) and thought I already had the 1M but I don't...and the closest hobby store is about 15 miles from here......... ugh.....

  3. Hi Tina--Do you have a 2D tip? Any large star tip would do for the big ridged swirls. I don't think that you could do the "icing plug" technique that I show in the video because the plastic wrap would probably be difficult to pull through a small or closed star....but you could certainly take your spatula and spread one side of the bag with one shade, and the other side of the bag with another.

    You can make pretty two toned cupcakes even with smaller tips, it just takes a little longer ;0)

  4. thanx for such the quick response......I just went ahead and sent my son to get me the 1M tip......

  5. Hello, love the tutorial. I was wondering where you bought the cup cake liners that you use in the video? Thanks so much

  6. This is a great video. Very easy to follow. I did ask this question in the "forum" section, but may I ask again, as Melissa did touch upon it in this video...for the cookie scoop and batter quantity size to be many times do you fill the cookie scoop with batter for each cupcake?

  7. Hi Julia--It was playing for me when I pulled it up just now but I re-embedded the video from our host site just in case that would make a difference for you. If you are still unable to play it, it's probably a sign that something on your computer needs updating (for instance, your browser or flash player) -- Send me an e-mail at if you are still unable to play and we can discuss!

  8. Hi Anny, I buy liners from a local store made by Fox Run. I also order another brand from, here is a link,

    Global Sugar Art also has them, product ID# 22292